Florida Landlord and Tenant Attorneys Dedicated to Helping You Prevent and Resolve Disputes

Because Florida landlord/tenant law is complex, both tenants and landlords may not be fully aware of their rights when issues and questions arise. Many of these disputes are related to different expectations from both sides during move-in, the duration of the lease, and moving out. Tenants will sometimes have questions about the circumstances under which they can withhold rent, while landlords may be interested in evicting a tenant for failing to comply with the terms of the lease. 

At Glantzlaw, we can assist in all aspect of the landlord tenant relationship including negotiating and preparing residential and commercial leases, non-judicial dispute resolution services, security deposit issues, property condition issues, maintenance, lease violations, and evictions for unpaid rent or other issues. In all aspect of the landlord tenant relationship, Glantzlaw can provide the guidance and representation to protect the rights of our clients and assure the best possible outcome.


Contact Us

Because Florida landlord tenant law is complex and property rights are so important, you should take care in selecting a knowledgeable and experienced attorney to assist you with these issues. Contact Glantzlaw’s landlord/tenant attorneys today to find out more about our services in this area.