Experienced Estate Planning Attorneys

There are a number of mistakes that can be made when it comes to estate planning that can land you and your family in probate, facing exorbitant legal fees and estate taxes. Working with an experienced estate planning attorney when planning for the future can avoid unnecessary hassles for your loved ones after you are gone.  

One of the biggest myths about estate planning is that you only need to do it if you have a significant number of assets and/or children. In reality, everyone needs an estate plan in order to ensure that their wishes are fulfilled, even if that includes leaving their estate to their favorite charity. If you die without a valid will in place, the State of Florida decides who benefit from your estate without regard to your wishes.

Some people create a plan but fail to update it as their circumstances — or even the laws — change, which happens on a regular basis. Your estate planning attorney can help you keep your plan aligned with your changing needs.

Some of the basic estate planning documents you want to have in place include:

  • Last Will and Testament
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Designation of Healthcare Surrogate
  • Living Will Declaration

Contact Us

Our attorneys are highly experienced in assisting clients with wills, trusts and estate planning. Contact us today to discuss your unique estate planning needs with a skilled Glantzlaw attorney.